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- AUSTRIA: The American-Austrian inventor of the birth control pill, Carl Djerassi, 86, came back to his fatal invention. Who is this man? He participated, with Luis E. Miramontes and George Rosenkranz, in the invention, in 1951, of norethindrone, a synthetical gestagens, from which Gregory Pincus and John Rock produced the first oral contraceptive pill. Like many other inventors – for instance Lise Meitner for the discovery of nuclear fission leading to the construction of the atomic bomb, or Jerome Lejeune for the discovery of a chromosomal anomaly called Trisomy 21 leading today to the extermination of 96% of the foetuses recognized to be trisomic which is much more than the death toll of the atomic bomb – he didn’t have the intelligence to foresee the catastrophic effects of his invention. And even today, in spite of his great age, he doesn’t recognize them. He simply refers, in its article published in the Austrian daily DER STANDARD of Dec. 13th, 2008, the alarming ageing of the Austrian (and German) people, and the need to bring massive numbers of immigrants "preferably from India, Nigeria, and Brazil" to replace the young non-existent Austrians, particularly to ensure the pensions of the older ones. Because in Austria, he said, the elderly of 65 and more are 16 % of the population, which puts this country at the 13th place of the 195 countries of the world (whereas Germany, with its 18.3 %, is the 4th oldest country of the world). What he did not see - at least what he doesn’t confess at all -, are the devastating effects of his pill: the separation of love and procreation ; loss of shame ; sexual promiscuity ; the spread of AIDS ; the reduction of women and girls to the level of hormone cows, thus lowering them to the state of sexual toys; the hormonal and psychological aftermath in women; the scarcity of children, their joy and smile in families and in the streets; the disappearance of big families; the closure of many classes and schools; the lack of religious vocations (rare before the third child) ; a world of more and more adult, old, sad, futureless people … Djerassi does not think about all this. Here we have one proof more that a large number of scientists and researchers, and even of intelligentsia as a whole, on the opposite of their reputation, are of little value, or even harmful. Most of them pursue only one goal: reputation and greed, whatever the disasters are where their discoveries and inventions are leading. The Gospel doesn’t say "Happy the inventors, intellectuals, the stars of the world…," but : "Happy the poor, those who weep, those who have a pure heart! » May those who have an ear, listen ! - (ru)

- RUSSIA: in this country Christianity comes back with force. Twenty years earlier, nobody dared to even hope for this resurrection, today it’s a reality. 75 years of Soviet communism has not been able to exterminate the rooting of eastern Europe in Christ, the Holy Trinity and the Holy Virgin Mary. Here are the latest figures: in 2008 there were in Russia 29,258 orthodox parishes (in 1988 : 6,800), 804 monasteries (in 1988: only 21), and 27,000 priests (in 1988: 6,600). This resurrection appears in stark contrast to what is happening in the Catholic Church in western Europe whose practicing members are constantly dropping during the same period. The Priests Society of Saint Pius X has started a crusade of prayers for Russia, notably for the consecration of the Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Holy Father with all his bishops, in order to meet the request made by the Blessed Virgin in 1917 to three children at Fatima. So one can hope that this Christian light, ‘lux ex oriente’, will spread not only over Holy Russia , but over all the former Soviet satellites, and even over our western Europe which is more and more atheist if not anti-Christian. The reunification of Catholicism with Orthodoxy becomes an absolute obligation, leaving aside the Anglicans confined in their homosexual bishops and other priestesses, and the Protestants split up into 1500 sects on the globe which, each one, is shaping its religion in its own way and following its daily taste. According to our late friend +Vladimir Volkoff, in a conference at a dinner-debate of Radio-Silence on May 6, 2003, there are only 3 major differences between Catholicism and Orthodoxy : the precise moment of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, the ‘filioque’ of the Creed, and the insolubility of marriage. The first point would concern only a few seconds , the second one would only be a political machination after the schism of 1054 for justifying the latter, and the third would require a genuine theological reflection. In fact according to the Orthodox the sacrament of marriage ceases to exist as soon as there is no love anymore between the spouses; for the Catholics, however, marriage is an inseparable link woven by God at the moment of the consent of the spouses, i.e. an image of the eternal link between O.L.J.C. to His Church. These few points do not justify 1000 years of separation. Go to work, theologians ! And we other Christians: down on the knees to pray for unity ! – (ru)

- NEGATIVE COUNTER : 12,571 th day since the law called "Simone Veil » authorizing in France the killing of unborn babies. This criminal law is still in validity, and its instigator is sill not in prison.

- POSITIVE COUNTER : SOS MOTHERS has been able to save, by to-day, 535 babies from abortion, including 44 babies yet to be born. It is currently sheltering 31 pregnant women and girls. Deo gratias !

- - O.A.M.D.G. - -

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