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RU 14/2009 - FRANCE

- FRANCE:  The new French party against abortion, A.M.E.N., just published its information flier, incl. a registration form. Because of its importance – and for the case of any good resolution in the moment of the Passion and the Resurrection of Our Lord – please find hereafter the full text of this capital document which you can distribute around you (one can also print it out – in French - from



Flier for information and registration




-         France is getting drowned in the marsh of death: banalized and generalized ABORTION. Other problems result from this: demoralization, immigration, unemployment, poverty, flat disappearance of the “eldest daughter of the Church” which was France.




-         Worse, the abortion is a serious offence to the CREATOR who will remember it.




-         You are conscious about that? You are perhaps disillusioned, if not desperate? You don’t believe any more in political parties, and even don’t go to elections any more?




-         Well then, dear friends, here is a good news: we have created - FOR YOU - a new party which wants to put an end to this culture of death in France: ARRETONS LE MASSACRE DES ENFANTS A NAITRE (A.M.E.N.), i.e.: Let’s stop the Massacre of the Children to be Born.




-         Here is the PROGRAM of A.M.E.N., as published in the Official Journal (J.O. of Oct. 25, 2008):




“Declaration with the sub-prefecture of Sarcelles. ARRETONS LE MASSACRE DES ENFANTS A NAITRE, A.M.E.N. (Let’s Stop the Massacre of the Children to be Born, A.M.E.N.). Subject: To unite, according to traditional catholic morals, all persons, and all associations whose leaders are of Catholic religion, from all nationalities, in order to promote and realize, in France and Europe, various actions and political programs in conformity with the Gospel and the Social Doctrine of the Church; in particular to contribute to abolish abortion, euthanasia, eugenics, and processes tending to create a new man without God; to defend the right to life from conception to natural death; to subsidize associations promoting life, adoption and assistance to maternity; to reinforce the family based on the permanent marriage between a man and a woman; to develop the respect of the woman, in particular by allocation of  a wage to the mother who stays at home for raising her children, which is a priceless service for the peaceful future of every people; to restore public moral according to the ten commands of God; to ensure in all fields conscientious objection for moral reasons; to support the freedom of Christian education, as well in private schools as with the family home; to make reappear a political institution responsible to God, excellently realized in France by the royalty of divine right; to fight the anti-Christian ideologies; to form a European political league for life, from Portugal to the Ural; to preserve the Christian inheritance as a whole; to seek in all things the will of God revealed in O.L. Jesus-Christ, in particular by charity, justice and the common good. Postal address: A.M.E.N., BP 70114, F-95210 Saint-Gratien, France. Internet site: Date of the declaration: October 10th, 2008.”




-         This program - for France and all of dying EUROPE – is perfectly symbolized in the EMBLEM Of AMEN as shown above.




-         It’s not enough to cry over the abortion calamity, it’s also necessary to descend courageously into the POLITICAL ARENA, at least in order to make there hear the voice of the killed innocent babies, the voice of LIFE in the face of death and its wretched propagators, and if God wants so, to make change the things.




-         And especially: in the middle of this hidden new genocide, we will not have been cowardly crouched on the ground, but we stood UPRIGHT, whatever the chances of our fight.




-         Of course, this work will be long, the battle will be rough, but the FINAL VICTORY is unquestionable, similar to the Victory of O.L. Jesus-Christ over death: “Dux vitae mortuus regnat vivens“ (the Prince of life - dead – reigns alive), sings the Easter liturgy of the Church.




-         ALL are welcome to A.M.E.N which is a Christian party without compromise, but open to everyone. May you be believer or not, practitioner or not, if only you wish to defend the life, following in that wish your intimate conscience - the “natural law” inscribed by the Creator into every human heart -, your place is with us. Welcome!






=========================== Registration Form  ========================




Name: ................................................... Phone (optional): .....................


Postal address: .......................................................................................... email:: ……….


Already member of other organizations (optional): .............................................


I could offer the following services to A.M.E.N. (optional): ................................




() I pay the registration fees of 30 USD/year to adhere to AMEN (10 USD if precarious situation)


() I make a contribution of ..... USD to promote a vigorous development of AMEN.




Signed at ............……. on ..........…….  Signature: .......................................




You can pay either by check to “AMEN”, or by transfer or mandate to the account of AMEN at BNP Bank (Versailles): account number 30004-00084-00010027264-97.


Form to be returned to AMEN, c/o UNEC, BP 70114, F-95210 Saint-Gratien, France.


Ph/F/answ.: +33-(0)134120268 - -




- - O.A.M.D.G. - -



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