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RU 51/2005 - CHRISTMAS

- VATICAN: Benedict XVI currently doesn't cease to exhort the whole world to silence the commercial noise around Christmas, noise which hides scandalously the profound message of Christmas which is the birth of Our Savior Jesus Christ. We conform ourselves willingly to this wise and necessary demand of our Holy Father, even and especially as journalists, because we, too, are one of the causes of this fuss, a true inflation of the verb, even in Catholic circles. For this reason, we gladly sacrifice the full edition of the present RU news falling on the day of Christmas, while wishing to our readers - and listeners ( - the Silence, the Peace and the Joy of Christ who became a baby for our salvation, impenetrable mystery in the face of a world that rejects so easily and sinfully millions of babies created by God. On behalf of the editor team of your 'preferred news': HAPPY CHRISTMAS! - (ru)

                                                                        - - A.M.D.G. - -

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