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RU 23/2008 - FRANCE: birth of the party AMEN

FRANCE. Good and important exclusive news: a catholic party has been founded in Paris, principally against abortion. After one whole year of preparation, the Champagne has been drunk on Saturday evening June 7th, 2008 in a Parisian coffee-shop, after final signature of the statutes of the party founded by 4 women and 7 men (with a lady-president from Alsace, a secretary general from Germany, and a treasurer from Versailles), knowing that after Champagne there will be lots of difficulties, confrontations, even persecution and perhaps death, that “they” are accustomed to impose, by millions of times, to the babies before their birth. “They” call this assassination in France in a banal manner “IVG” (voluntary interruption of pregnancy), actually this is hiding the most abominable, massive and monstrous capital punishment of human history. But nobody dares to speak about it in these terms. This new party wants to speak about it. It’s not like the other parties who defend their own interest, it defends the babies to be born. It wants to be the voice of the voiceless, the desperate cry of a billion babies in the world killed in the womb of their mothers since 40 years, and of a 2nd billion who are going to die in the same way. This party may have few voters (and still, won't the 40% of catholic abstentionists in France finally wake up and vote for AMEN relieving their conscience?), but its voice will be strong and permanent. The very name of the party is an outcry: “LET’S STOP THE MASSACRE OF THE CHILDREN TO BE BORN”, shortened (in French): “A.M.E.N. ” It will be quickly ridiculed as “the small party against abortion”, but the fair minded ones will understand: it’s the combat of David against Goliath.

It will be a prophetic voice in the political arena of France, certainly an accusing voice, but full of hope: Christ is risen and alive, to assist those who are oppressed, pushed aside, assassinated, especially the most innocent and defenseless human beings, the babies to be born. AMEN does not only aim at France, but at all of Europe, because it works from the beginning in favour of a League of the pro-life parties in Europe, Russia included, so that one day all these forces become a powerful lever to reverse everywhere the iniquitous laws of abortion. AMEN has already the support of several pro-life parties in Europe for this future League: in Austria, Poland, Holland and Italy. Moreover several European pro-life parties came to encourage AMEN while taking an active part in the successful conference organized by the association UNEC on this same June 7th in Paris in order to solemnize the birth of AMEN. The colloquium had the theme: “The Defence of Life”, with 6 lecturers from 5 countries.

Knowing that one of the motors of abortion is the European Union “without God”, the party AMEN will try by all means to obtain seats with the European Parliament, in order to make hear, there also, the voice of the babies without voice (1st electoral campaign: European elections in June 2009). Because one thing is charity towards all those who are of good will and who are innocent, and especially towards the unborn babies and their moms, but another thing is their strong defence against the malicious ones, those who contempt life and despise God in his noblest achievement, the one of the 6th day of Creation: the human being. Long life to the babies! Long life to AMEN (they don’t like the word “party”, but rather “political movement”)! A press conference will be organized by AMEN after the summer break, on the occasion of the publication of the creation of the party in the Official Journal of France. Meanwhile, even if AMEN wants to act “without money against the power of money”, you can address, during the launching of the structures and especially for the organization of the 1st electoral campaign starting soon, your valuable support for the time being to “AMEN (UNEC)”, BP 70114, F-95210 St-Gratien. Contact email: A site “” will soon be available on Internet. - (ru)

- - O.A.M.D.G. - -


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