- FRANCE, S.O.S MOTHERS. This association just published a recent extract of the “Log Book” covering the period from March 17 to April 24, 2009. We have, in exclusivity, the honour of making known this document to you. This text is far away from the wooden language of usual official press releases… 

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

An young girl called Sally, aged 17. Incredible! Her parents want literally to use Sally’s baby as a “drug baby” in favour of her 9 year old brother  who is very sick. They want to use the embryo of Sally by taking the umbilical cord, and even a portion of its liver, by some chirurgical operations to be made in England. They even would not refuse to kill the embryo for that, if this is needed. Sally is terrified by the idea. We assist her to escape from Paris and to find refuge with friends. What a life at 17 years already!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The newspapers speak about a 9 years old girl in Brazil which carries twins and whose mother wants to get them aborted. It seems that it’s the uncle who misused his niece. Horrible situation for the little girl. The mother is said to have brought her daughter to a Brazilian hospital which affirmed that the embryos were viable and refused the abortion. A second hospital accepted the butchery of the two babies. Upon that, the local bishop, Mgr Jose Cardoso Sobrinho of Recife, excommunicated the grand' mother and the doctors who proceeded to the abortion. An outcry rose in Brazil and in the world against this excommunication, which however takes automatically place with any abortion. It even seems that certain French bishops - and not the least ones - vituperated against their Brazilian colleague. Where do we arrive here? If one starts to judge on the basis of the feelings of everyone - and not exclusively on the grounds of the untouchable life of the babies - , we shall arrive soon or late to full and hard eugenics, like Hitler. We are on this way, but not S.O.S MOTHERS. Never! The Church is the only unconditional advocate of human life, since God said to humanity: “You shall not kill!” It is a story of love between the Creator and each human heart which He created. Nobody has the right to touch that, because nobody can seize the secret intentions of God reserved for each soul right from the womb of his mother. Nobody has the right to disturb this divine intimate dialog, even not the archbishop of Paris. 

Friday, March 20, 2009

A store of materials for children in Paris closed definitely its doors and authorized us to take from there, free of charge, whatever meets our needs. We worked several days to sort stocks: baby clothing, toys, landaus (even for twins), small furniture for children rooms, shelves… A gift fallen from Heaven! We made batches for several mothers currently sheltered by us: “for Karine”, “for Farah” etc, and a large batch “for S.O.S  MOTHERS in Georgia” which we shall carry ourselves there in May 2009, without mentioning the refilling of our permanent cellar “Ali Baba” in Paris intra muros. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Russian girl of 17, Valodia, gets in contact with us: she got the emergency phone number of S.O.S MOTHERS “from a friend”. She made a course of “mannequins” in Moscow, which seemed to be serious, then she was sent to Paris for a “training course” organized by this organization. Actually it proved that it was a well organized fraud by a Russian prostitution network, by misleading the parents of the girls. Arrived to Paris, she found herself in a brothel. After 3 months of “practice” and beginning of pregnancy, a Russian woman who is already for a certain time living in Paris, friend of Natasha whom we had helped to leave the prostitution in Paris and to return safely to Russia a few years ago already, entrusted our secret phone number to her. 24 hours later she is already, by our care, in the truck which brings her back towards somebody of her family in Russia and ready to accommodate her during her pregnancy. The cases of this kind are multiplying dangerously in these days (2 already in March 2009). Why should we not try to have an appointment with Mr. Putin to ask for a subsidy for S.O.S MOTHERS, because of our rescues of Russian babies, future citizens of his country? This has to be seriously thought over. As to us, we say to ourselves: the Good Samaritan saves all those whom the Good Lord sends on his way: whites, blacks, yellows, blues, greens… That’s what we do with “our” babies. DEO GRATIAS! 

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Carline, 16 ½ years, pregnant since 5 weeks. At home, the situation is very delicate: the father is a freshly converted Moslem and the worst should be feared, especially owing to the fact that the baby will probably be of chocolate colour… Having nowhere any lodging place left - we are sheltering and helping financially at present 42 pregnant young girls and women, at 17 different places in France and elsewhere in the European Union -, we place her “for waiting” with a friend family in Normandy who are already sheltering four others. Impossible to leave them a 5th one on a permanent basis, even if the stay will last only up to the birth of the baby. After a few days we find a new sheltering family, old friends, in the Pyrenees, which fact permits us to send her over to their home by the TGV train. By the evening, the problem of housing is solved for Carline, our friend having welcomed her at the arrival station and having “adopted” her immediately.

In addition, we are a little in anger. Our contacts in all France are not moving enough to organize slideshow-meetings with us, though we are offering that. How to awake good wills to establish new baby rescue groups in all these towns of France which are without rescue teams, if one does not first organize a briefing to explain how we are doing here and how they could organize the job? At Lille (northern France) for example we had to force the things, since nobody of our local friends found the time to identify a coffee shop where we could organize our meeting. We had to travel by car from Paris, driving right to the central railway station of Lille for reserving there a meeting room in a coffee shop for our information meeting planned for March 21st, “the Flemish Tavern”. Then we invited all our 53 contacts in the department. Finally TWO PEOPLE only showed up for the meeting, however easily organized on a Saturday from 3 PM to 5 PM, to which we had dispatched two leaders of S.O.S MOTHERS from Paris. But we shall take the problem by the horns. Like in the Gospel where the Master of the weddings invited people from the street into the feast room, since the guests didn’t show up, and in addition knowing that only 10% of “our” personnel S.O.S MOTHERS are “practicing” Catholics, we shall carry out a test when organizing our next meeting which we are planning in the Alsace region: we shall not prepare anything, and on the very day, when we arrive there - always on Saturdays -, we shall rent at once a room in a coffee shop, or tavern or “Bierstub”, and then, during 1/2 hour, we shall invite, our leaflets in our hands, people and especially young people directly from the street towards the meeting room to speak about abortion, “with a free consumption”. There we shall show our diaporama, and then free discussion. If we have at least 4 auditors, it will be already 100% more than when organizing this meeting painfully with the contacts and pro-life associations already locally installed, which in addition, as it arrives often after such meetings, are not able to decide themselves to set up a new group of rescuers in spite of their best will. “Please enter, ladies and gentlemen! “ 

Easter Wednesday, April 8th, 2009

Jessica, pregnant, 17 years old. She became a sex-sadomasochistic slave in an embassy in Madrid. We manage by friends to  help her to get out from there,  and to escape immediately to Paris. She looked prettily shot down and without force. So we direct her towards our sheltering lady in the Benelux, since she is a physician (gynaecologist). She says to us that she never saw a so violently treated back and thighs, striated by whips. She had marks of tortures by cigarettes and cigars all over her body. Our friend doctor notes an acute lack of Calcium and Vitamins, following malnutrition and the other bad treatments. We hear that she already had a 1st baby (!), and that her slaveholders had removed it from her for raising it as a slave. A world without pity! Now Jessica is in peace – she is so much astonished about that! - and awaits her baby calmly. It’s for her the moment of Resurrection (she is a Catholic from East Asia). 

Monday, April 20, 2009

Are we going, for the first time, towards the failure of a rescue of a baby? The case is particularly hard. 3 days ago we saved the baby of Sarah, 17, a high-school girl of the Paris region. Yesterday she brought us “the girlfriend of her sister”, Isabelle, from another school, also pregnant. But this one is only 10 and a half years old. She still appears very infantile to us, even a bit simple of spirit, and very small. Anyway. She fell pregnant while playing doctor with several boys from her school, aged 12 and 13 years. That occurred at school, in a deserted classroom. Did they want to test the “sexual tendencies of each and everyone” which they are taught “to discover” by the school’s sex education course? And that’s how Isabelle became pregnant, she doesn’t even know who exactly is the father of the baby. “My mother deals with all that, with our doctor”, she tells us. In fact, we learn that the mother, in full panic, wants to make abort her baby on Wednesday, April 22, while making believe her daughter that this is a little disease which one can be quickly cured. We prefer to discuss with Sarah who is older and understands better the issue, and we inculcate her a message for the mother of Isabelle: 1) we already saved the babies of two little 11 year old mothers, without problem; 2) one can think of a childbirth under “X” if necessary, as practiced in France, for adoption; 3) we will be able to help morally, materially and financially during the pregnancy. Since, we are waiting. We called several families to pray to God. If we do not stir up ourselves for this little baby who wants to be born, nobody in this world will do it. This baby is (still) not awaited for, but this baby - God knows it – is waiting for us. Many of our donators also do pray. It’s in these moments that we need this terribly. Without God nothing will work.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The baby is saved! We could meet the mother of Isabelle today. Objectives agreed upon together: Isabelle will keep the baby, birth planned “under X “, monthly assistance by S.O.S MOTHERS of 325 USD/month until the birth. In truth we are convinced that Isabelle will finally keep her baby when giving birth, as did so successfully the two other 11 year old mothers of which we saved the babies already 6 and 7 years ago, and as did all our other 500 mothers. We say really a big DEO GRATIAS to the Good Lord, but also to the three families who intensely prayed for a good exit during these 2 days for this case which seemed lost in advance. Without speaking about our many friends and donators who often pray the rosary for “our” babies. The arm of the Most Holy Virgin Mary is more powerful than all the forces of the evil.  - This day, we met a new mother in Paris, Svjetlana, a Russian woman, aged 23, pregnant, with her 2 year old little girl. She is lost on the street, ejected by her “husband”. We collected her covered with blues, from the received blows. We will try to convey her at our expense before the weekend to her country of origin, by the usual ways. It’s the best solution, since that does not only solve the problem of the baby, but also the one of the miserable life of its mother whom we help to escape from true `sexual slavery’ in which she lives, even if this one is sometimes hidden under the pious word “marriage”. 

Friday, April 24, 2009

The battle is won, Svjetlana left yesterday evening towards Estonia, with her small family (2 years old girl, and baby to come), to a cousin on the countryside. We gave her a telephone card towards France, and a large bag of good food conserves. She will telephone us as soon as she arrives at good port.

In addition, one of our militants made a small poem which summarizes in a few words, and with much humour, the road of S.O.S MOTHERS:

“Les trottoirs – sont nos parloirs (The side walks - are our parlours),

Les Cafés – notre tasse de thé (The Coffee shops - our cup of tea),

Les enceintes – notre labyrinthe (The pregnant ones - our labyrinth),

Et les naissances – notre seule récompense (And the births - our only reward).”


Dear reader,  you are belonging to our donators or co-operators, and we are happy

to share with you, by the means of the extracts of our “Log book”, our joys and our sorrows.

This “Log book” becomes a monument of hope,

proving that the abortion crime can be overcome by Christian charity.

We are proud and happy to know you on our sides. Please remain there !

You are truly a member of our S.O.S MOTHERS team, thank you, and now  let’s go ahead!

S.O.S MOTHERS (UNEC), BP 70114, F-95210 Saint-Gratien, Ph/Fax +33-(0)134120268, - Internet site: (section S.O.S MOTHERS)”


End of quotation of the Log book, suite No 28, of the association S.O.S MOTHERS (UNEC). - (ru)