- NORWAY: The association UNEC organized from August 5th to 14th, 2006, a "Pilgrimage to Catholic Norway". It's true that in this large country - with only 4.4 million inhabitants - the number of Catholics is very small, since the whole country accepted Lutheranism in the beginning of the 16th century, after the tonitruous exit of Martin Luther from the Catholic Church. What a calamity! The intention of UNEC was, like its pilgrimage achieved to "Catholic Sweden" in September 2005, to make something like a come-back, at least for one day, of the Saint Catholic Mass (in the old Latin rite called Saint Pius V) to the Lutheran churches constructed in ancient times by the Catholics. The welcome by the Lutherans was cordial and generous, and Saint Masses could be celebrated in the cathedral Nidaros of Trondheim in the north of the country, in the parochial church of Stranda at the west coast, in the church "in upright wood" of Roeldal near Oslo, and finally, during the return through Denmark, in the famous parochial church of Sulsted near Aalborg with its magnificent restored wall paintings. It was as if the walls of those churches, after 5 centuries of sadness, trembled of joy while hearing again the Gregorian chant of the Catholic Mass. Many details of these churches, by the way, have been preserved through five centuries of errance: the bench of communion, the preaching chair, statues of the saints, the small excavation in the wall for wine and water... The Catholic ambiance in these churches is more intense than in many modernist churches called "Catholic" today. And it was not only the walls which trembled. It was indeed the Mass herself which turned out to be a providential missionary tool, a pressing invitation to the heretics to return to the One, Saint, Catholic and Apostolic Church. The Lutheran archpriest of the cathedral of Trondheim was absolutely desirous to assist discreetly to the Mass, and to receive - kneeling down on the communion bench - a simple blessing of the Catholic priest. He dismissed the 48 pilgrims of UNEC with these astonishing words, full of hope: "Thank you for your pilgrimage, thank you to have brought us Christ "! In Sweden, the Unec pilgrimage of 2005 had carried important fruits: two new seminarists, in the form of two Lutheran clerks who converted on July 30th, 2006, in Paris to the Catholic Church, while increasing the number of the Swedish seminarists (SSPX) to four. A big sign of hope! May God also grant this same fruit to Norway, whose Lutheran church collapses under satanic strokes, such as as the ordination of "priestesses" (since 1961) and the nuptial blessing of homosexual couples (since 2004). The hope is immense, the crop announces itself rich; let's pray and let's become again missionaries for our dear Scandinavian brothers, for their return to eternal Salvation in the Catholic Church! UNEC will organize in 2007 a pilgrimage to eastern Turkey, and in 2008 to Ireland-Iceland. Your preliminary registrations are from now on possible. - (ru)


- TURKEY: In spite of the official negotiations of access of Turkey to the European Union which already are going on since October 3th, 2005, this country mocks itself, face to its European interlocutors, of the Christian minorities in Turkey. Their cynicism makes that the Turkish official laws seem on this behalf OK, but the reality is quite different. The Christian communities don't have any legal existence and cannot have properties, nor build churches, nor even repair them. The Orthodox seminary on the island of Halki, the only one in the country, remains hopelessly closed since its brutal interdiction by the Turkish State in summer 1971. The same thing is true for the Armenian seminary at Uskudar on the Bosporus. Fr. Andrea Santoro, Catholic Italian missionary having spent 5 years in the country, has been gunned down on Sunday February 12th, 2006, by a young Moslem on the stairs of the Saint-Mary church at Trabzon on the Black Sea. A French missionary, Fr. Pierre Brunissen, has been stabbed on Sunday July 2nd, 2006, at Samsun (but fortunately he remained in life). The Islamist gang "Gray Wolfs" pretends to have collected by now 2.5 millions of signatures for chasing the ecumenical "Greek-orthodox" Patriarchy from the Phanar site in Istanbul (alias Constantinople, alias Byzance) where it is installed since the times of emperor Constantin (4th century), or even since the time of the apostles St Andrew and St John. The E.U. begins gradually, with the progression of investigations and missions of information, to take conscience of the false language of Turkey which is said to be "non-Islamic", but which is in fact incompatible with what remains of the human values in Europe. Already the German chancellor, Angela Merkel (CDU), is making known her firm opposition to the adherence of Turkey to the European Union, preferring a vague "privileged partnership". It's in in this context that the pope's courageous visit to Turkey, planned from November 28th to 30th, 2006, will take place. Everything can topple at the time of this visit, which risks to put to the fore-front the anti-Christian realities. NO to Turkey in the E.U., NO to Islam in Europe! But YES to the announcement of the Gospel to the Turks, so that they become worthy inhabitants of that part of the earth... profoundly Christian since the first centuries of our era! - (ru; cf. IGFM Aug.8, Idea Aug. 12)