FRANCE (ru, May 14th, 2010) : In France the case of Mr Lies Hebbadj, born in Algeria, today Hallal butcher in Brittany in France, promoter of a large mosque at Nantes and partisan of the notorious fanatical Muslim movement Tabligh, is strongly debated. He obtained the French nationality in 1999 by marrying a Breton lady who wears today a burqa - in driving a car, and this is exactly the detail which made the case detonate. A police control (because of her hood ) revealed the situation of Mr Hebbadj, his 'husband". In fact he seems to have 4 wives and 12 children in total, as Islam allows it to rich Muslims, and our minister of the Interior Brice Hortefeux wants, because of this abuse, deprive him of the French nationality and expel him from the country. In fact, in this case Mr. Hortefeux should also pursue the "First Lady of France," actual wife of the actual president of the Republic. Had she not declared in 2007: "I am monogamous from time to time, but I prefer polygamy and polyandry » (B. A. N. No. 2185). Unless she reneged since those pagan if not barbarian words, the Minister of the Interior should, with the same logic and the same force of the law, expel her from the presidential Elysee Palace and from France. Without mentioning her actual husband himself who, with this 3rd "marriage", seems to be practicing a kind of polygamy which is not simultaneous but successive… - Well, Mr. Hebbadj, for defending himself and his practices, has taken a lawyer who suggested to him not to declare the truth, it is not to say to have several "women," but one wife and 3 ‘concubines’, more exactly 3 ‘mistresses’. And so Mr. Hebbadj declared today to the press: "As far as I know, mistresses are not prohibited in France, nor by Islam. Perhaps by Christianity, but not in France ." It happens that his "mistresses," as soon as they live in locations which are different from his principal home, may in all legality call upon the "social allocation of a single parent » (API, replaced since June 2009 by the RSA of variable geometry, whose amount appears to vary either according to your vocal volume, or according to the strength of your fists banging on the table in the office of French social Family Allowances). This way, Mr. Hebbadj finds himself in Christian France not on the pillory for his polygamous perversion, but benefiting from the encashment of multiple allowances granted by the French Republic, in truth a state which functions according to the freemason principle  “neither God nor master", since it puts itself in the place of God. In fact this self-appointed Republic permits herself to pervert the totality of ancient Christian principles, by breaking up the salutary taboo of sex: relativization of heterosexuality, active promotion of homosexuality, institution of sexual freedom, excepting babies to be born from the protection of the State, promiscuity in school, exclusion of the Catholic religion from the public sphere, forcing all women to work, bursting-up of the family, promotion and co-financing of the construction of mosques, and other scandals. The Republic harvests what it sowed. If it wants to prohibit polygamy, it should first renounce by itself to divorce from its legitimate wife, i.e. the Catholic religion received 15 centuries ago from God, and to coupling with mistresses from around the world.

- LITHUANIA (ru, May 14th, 2010) : In this 80% Roman Catholic country,, the 1st gay pride show didn’t succeed. First prohibited, then re-authorized on the eve, the event took place on Saturday May 8th in the streets of the capital, Vilnius, under the pretentious name "Baltic Pride March'. Guess who was the main personality of the show ? The Swedish minister for European Affairs (!) Mrs. Birgitta Ohlsson. She cried right at the head of the sad procession: “Today we are marching for freedom; today we are marching for equality; today we are marching for Europe (!)… We’ll never accept homophobia taking over our streets! » They were a few 300 marchers, facing 2000 Catholics to counter them. As soon as the first muscled confrontations took place, the police intervened, with 600 policemen heading into the fray. Lithuania has decriminalized homosexuality in 1993, but 2/3 of the Lithuanians are opposed to any additional favour towards this group of individuals. By the way, one can ask oneself if it was really a gay pride of homosexuals, or rather a demonstration of provocation executed by little thugs paid by the European Union and Amnesty International, since the Lithuanian parliament published last June a law prohibiting any publicity or information promoting "homosexual  or bisexual relations, and polygamy». Lithuanian police indicated, after the event, that it had to use tear gas and to proceed to the arrest of 12 people. Bravo !

-  O.A.M.D.G.  -