- RETROPERSPECTIVE: During this summer time, it’s useful to revise. Here are 2 of our previous RU articles, of 10 years ago, concerning the current LAW system, and FEMINISM, always hot news.

- VATICAN CITY. In our dispatch RU of Dec. 2nd, 1999, we wrote: "The Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation of the Faith, just received the doctorate from the university LUMSA in Rome. On this occasion the cardinal delivered a genuine accusation against modern law. The latter would announce, according to the cardinal, "the end of metaphysics". The modern law would be the fruit of a "juridical positivism which has taken today the particular form of the consensus theory". If the reason can no longer find the path of metaphysics, the State would be obliged to rely on what its citizens define in common as values. This would be reflected in the "democratic consensus," said the cardinal. That’s the reason why the consensus would no longer be identical with the truth. The majority henceforth decides what is true and just. The right is delivered to the mood and taste of the majorities. Thus the marriage is deteriorating under our eyes to forms of fragile and problematic user-friendliness, by loading conflicts into the relations between men and women, even between generations. Another example is the Christian idea of time: the Sunday would disappear in the life of the society, and replaced by flexible forms of leisure. The notion of the sacred would have lost its meaning in the law. On the other hand, unbridled freedom without limits is manifesting itself more and more fiercely, not afraid to walk over the corpses of babies and elderly people. The transplantation practices reflect new flows of ideas where man decides not only about life and death, but also about the being and the coming into life. This metaphysical crisis would mean, in the modern States, the collapse of the law which ceases to be a bulwark of freedom and becomes an instrument of dictatorship.
(ru 49/1999; cf. rb Dec. 1, 1999) » 

- WORLD. In our news dispatch of Oct. 2nd, 2000, we said: "The UNFPA (United Nations Fund for Population Agency), one of the most powerful organizations of the United Nations which is headed by the feminist leader Nafis Sadik, has just published its annual report on "the state of the world". The booklet is impregnated by exacerbated Malthusianism wanting to reduce by all means the number of those living on the earth, if needed even against their own will. In 7 small chapters, there are mentioned 187 times the very ambiguous expressions "reproductive health” (in clear: access to abortion), "reproductive rights" (in clear: decriminalisation of abortion), and straightforwardly "abortion”. But "clean water," which is the most crucial problem for the families in the under-developed countries, is mentioned only once. The document refers only one times to "Malaria", probably the disease which is the biggest killer of women in Africa. In the chapter "Health and reproductive and sexual behaviours of adolescents," sexual abstinence is even not mentioned. The marriage, mentioned only 33 times, is almost always presented in a negative light, as an element which promotes the violation of "women’s rights" and forcing them into slavery, never as a source of happiness and fulfilment as it is lived by hundreds of millions of women on earth. In one word, this document proves the correctness of the criticism made by the cardinal Ratzinger on last 18th of September about the United Nations and the international meetings of the millennium: he said that at the basis of this new world order » is located the feminist ideology » which sees "the main obstacles to the fulfilment of the woman in family and maternity". The cardinal reminds the Christians and others their "obligation to protest". Dear readers, be aware that even UNICEF, which is the United Nations’ agency for the children, is joining itself more and more explicitly to those UNFPA feminists, and practically does not fight any more in favour of the children, but against them. We know the role of extermination of UNICEF through their promotion of forced mass abortion in the refugee camps, particularly in Kosovo. You should know that with each Xmas card which you by from UNICEF, even if it represents the child Jesus in the cradle, you contribute financially to exterminate a child somewhere in the world. » (ru 39/2000 ; cf. CFHRI Oct.1, LSDN Sept.18, EWTN NEWS Sept.17, AVVENIRE Sept.16, ZENIT Sept.16) »

- - O.A.M.D.G. - -