RU 49+50/2008 - EUROPE, Program UNEC 2009

DOUBLE ISSUE (2 pages).

- CHRISTIAN EUROPE: The association UNEC (Union of the Nations of European Christians) published its program 2009 :
Dear members, dear friends of UNEC, thousand things to be communicated to you…

* PILGRIMAGES: After our unforgettable pilgrimages to Poland, “Holy Russia”, Georgia, “Catholic Sweden”, “Catholic Norway”, “on the steps of Charlemagne”, “to the Relics of Christ”, “Barocco Pilgrimage”, and especially in 2008 our marvellous and passionating “Pilgrimage to the Christian earth of Turkey”, we plan for the years to come the following pilgrimages:

From June 25th to July 2nd, 2009: “Pilgrimage on the steps of Saint Hildegard” in Rhineland/FRG, with participation in the priest ordination of our friend Fr. Sten, Swedish ex-Pastor, at Zaitzkofen/Bavaria. - April 2010: pilgrimage to the 3 Relics of Christ, Argenteuil-Trier-Turin. - Sept. 2011: Pilgrimage to Ireland and Iceland. - Sept. 2012: Pilgrimage to Catholic Quebec. - Sept. 2013: Pilgrimage to Algeria, earth of Christian martyrs. - Sept. 2014: Pilgrimage to Armenia, the most ancient Christian state.

Let us mention also our annual – and monthly – pilgrimages to the Holy Tunic of Argenteuil. Details: .

* COSTA (UNEC): You are already 23 “monthly pilgrims to the Holy Tunic”, for praying the rosary there, especially the dolorous mysteries, “for France and Christian Europe”. Each one can choose the day of the month which is most convenient to him, for at least 12 months to come, knowing that the Basilica of Argenteuil is open for visits to the Holy Tunic every day from 3 PM to 5 PM, and during the weekend from 4 PM to 6 PM. For the new ones, please intimate us the day that you will have chosen (e.g. “each 3rd Tuesday of the month”, “each 1st Saturday of the month” etc), and you will receive our “pilgrim card”. As soon as we are 30, which means that a daily permanence is assured every day of the month, we shall invite these 30 pilgrims to reflect together how to make revive the former “Confraternity of the Holy Tunic”. What an honor to us to be so close to it, enabling us “to ensure the guard”, in the name of all Christendom! Rhe Miracle will come from there, from the Holy Blood of O.L.J.C.

- It’s regrettable that a recent article, written by a certain Saillard, recently soiled the Holy Tunic by disputing its authenticity and by giving reason to the famous C14 tests. Still more regrettable is that this pseudo-scientific attack has been published with PRESENT and LECTURE & TRADITION. We are organizing a response, in particular over Radio-Courtesy in the emission of Fr. Lorans on February 26th, 2009 at 7.30 PM, but also by public answers in these newspapers and reviews which are close to us.

- Note as of now, please, that we shall organize the procession to the Holy Tunic, while crossing the center of Argenteuil as in the olden days, on the 1st Passion Sunday, i.e. on March 29th, 2009, as we did already in 2006, 2007, and 2008. Last year we were almost 400 pilgrims, hopefully we shall be this time 500! As of now several parishes announced that they would send pilgrims. Honor to the Holy Relics that O.L. Jesus-Christ entrusted to France! We are ready to give preparatory conferences (diaporamas) on this subject in the priories, parishes, and associations, if you ask for it.

- In September 2007 we could lead a delegation of 4 French scientists to Prüm in Rhineland/Germany where a large “relic of the sandals of Christ” is preserved since the Carolingian king Pepin the Short, for observation, taking some pollens and digital photographs. We had free access to the Relic, thanks to the good priest of the parish. The exploitation studies started, in particular by professor Lucotte who already could identify some sand particles of Jerusalem under the sandals. If someone could help to finance these studies a little, he will be welcome (supplementary budget 2000 Euro).

* COELI (UNEC): Do you know that the only regular broadcast on the Shroud of Turin and the Relics of O.L.J.C. is aired each month on our Radio-Silence (see below)? Jacques Burel is the person in charge of our group COELI, who keeps us informed about the last developments, congresses, catastrophes and other affairs related to the Shroud of Turin, the Holy Tunic of Argenteuil, the Shroud of Oviedo and the other Relics which our Saviour left us on earth in order to comfort and strengthen our faith. Mr. Burel currently animates a crusade of prayers - and postcards to be sent to the pope - for the recognition of the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin by the Holy Father, to prepare the arrival of Christ King. You can obtain these documents from our secretariat.

* RADIO-SILENCE (only on Internet, in French language: The whole information technique is getting reverted, certain mobile phones give already unlimited access to Internet, with the result that our radio has a great future. We are now a score of editors and technicians, but without technical studio nor publicity neither salaries… . We cover current events, and our daily chronicles are duly “incorrect”, as well politically as religiously. We have “local” chronicles from France, but also from Switzerland, Africa, the United States, and Latin America. Our course of catechism for Moslems (“The Good News for the Moslems”) is existing now for 2 years, as well in French as in literary Arabic. It’s a unique fact on the waves! In addition an emission provided by the association UNA VOCE with the Gregorian chant of next Sunday makes it possible to prepare the liturgy of next Sunday, including for the Gregorian scholae. An emission on the Saints of the day has been added, made by a young catholic woman journalist. - Support our radio! Those who do not have Internet, can acquire from our secretariat the “Card of friends of Radio-Silence” at the price of 20 Euro per annum, in order to support this effort of rechristianisation in the French speaking world. - In addition, Radio-Silence organizes every month a dinner-debate. The next one will take place on Wednesday, February 4th at 7.30 PM, always at the restaurant LE GRENADIER on the 1st floor of the railway station Austerlitz of Paris. Guest: Mr. W. Wuermeling who will show a diaporama concerning the passionating pilgrimage of UNEC to Turkey of September 2008. You can register for this dinner by sending 25 Euro to LA VOIE DU SILENCE, 5 rue Dufrénoy, 75116 Paris.

* RU (UNEC): Many of you receive already our weekly dispatches RU, with our “Christian news”. It’s dispatched by email (free), fax (free) or letter (30 Euro for 12 months). It becomes thus a true militant bond between us all. Please be informed that UNEC has an Internet site where, amongst other things, you can read these RU dispatches and where they are filed: - We are looking for a person who can translate our RU dispatches into Russian (possible small remuneration).

* S.O.S MOTHERS (UNEC): This is our main activity, the rescue of babies from abortion by a direct action near the young women and girls concerned, by seeking their contact in the street, in the coffee shops, laboratories, pharmacies, on the city sidewalks, the benches in the public parks… This week we saved our 484th baby, thanks to your considerable support (approximately 900 donators, of whom about one hundred make regular donations by monthly automatic bank transfers, the form which helps us most). THANKS TO ALL OF YOU! Those who help us, are directly part of our rescue teams. We have by now seven teams working (but some of them do not manage to find babies…). This is perhaps little, but this represents 484 babies who could be saved from the mouth of the Moloch of anti-baby selfishness. The givers regularly receive our “Log book of S.O.S MOTHERS” which informs them about our last rescues. – On Saturday, January 3rd, we shall organize a small Christmas for “our” mothers at 4 PM, in the coffeeshop LE PALAIS, 16 rue Monge, Paris 5th. You will be welcome!

* Project AMEN. This brings us to our new action, the creation of a 100% Christian European party “AMEN” (“Arrêtons le Massacre des Enfants à Naître” = Let’s stop the Massacre of the Children to be Born). Because, to stop this true genocide, at least three levels of action are needed: prayer, rescue work on the ground… and a political party. Especially on a political scene where nobody any more dares to tackle straightly this generalized murder. It’s necessary to have courage to go down to the political arena, perhaps to be slain ourselves, but at least to die upright, and not lying in front of this tsunami of selfishness. “The Christian political commitment is the highest form of charity” (Pius XII). The “program” of the party AMEN can be seen on the new Internet site of AMEN After one year of preparation, AMEN was announced in the Official Journal of France of October 25th, 2008. A press conference is scheduled for Monday, January 5th at 11 AM in a room of the hotel Claude Bernard, 43 rue des Ecoles, Paris 5th, for the official launching of the party. We began regional conferences to make known S.O.S MOTHERS and AMEN: Paris, Lyon, Agen, Nantes (on December 13th), and later on Lille, Strasbourg and Toulon… You should not be disturbed by some “shock” requirements of AMEN which can be found in the program (in particular our fight against the motor bikes, the mosques, highway radars which are the symbols of the running sovietisation of our country…). They are the hooks to attract to us - beyond the millions of `voices without voice' of the aborted babies - thousands of people who are exasperated by the violence and the enormous noise of the motorcyclists, the invasion of Europe by Islam, the persecution by the State and by the European Union ever more increasing… We look right from the beginning towards a European dimension. Various similar initiatives already started in Austria, Poland, Italy…, with which it will be necessary to confederate, but giving up nothing of our own program. How many Catholics don't vote any more, by disdain? It’s necessary to propose a party to them for which they can vote without remorse of conscience. May God bless our humble efforts on ground zero, where the sufferings are, but also the ballots. We shall act without any help nor patronage except the one of God. – Right now already one can print on his printer, from the site AMEN (, small pro-life posters (only in French language, sorry) on self-adhesive photo paper and stick them in the street to strategic places. - You can adhere to AMEN for 25 E (30 USD) per annum, even if you live abroad.

* UNEC. You can already now pay your contribution for 2009 (30 E, or 36 USD). - In addition, UNEC launches a new Xmas collection exclusively relating to 1) baby clothes, 2) children shoes up to 5 years, and 3) toys in good condition. These materials will be distributed to “our” mothers (S.O.S Mothers) in France, Turkey and Georgia (Caucasus). There is no use to deplore the evils of this world, it’s better to act! You can bring your materials to the following address: c/o concierge, “for S.O.S MOTHERS”, 136 rue Ménilmontant, Paris 20th (street code 1560, building code 1208); deposit your parcels/packages in front of the concierge’s lodge if she isn’t there.

Merry Christmas, and Happy new year A.D. 2009!” - Unec-“ End of quotation. - (ru)