RU 16/2007 - USA, FRANCE (RU 16/2007)

- USA: An excellent news. On April 18th, the US Supreme Court judged in final instance that the ban on 'partial birth abortions' - a particularly abject method of abortion consisting in the extraction and the murder of an embryo, who is yet living and already partially out of his mother's body, a method practiced up to 9 months of pregnancy - is not anti-constitutional. This final judgment will make it henceforth possible to apply in all American States the relevant federal legislations concerning partial birth abortion bans. This proclamation was the object of multiple negotiations during the last years, and passed recently the Senate where it was finally approved. But the pro-abortion politicians had used all legal means at their disposition to block its realization. This judgment (5 ballots against 4) is the result of the recast of the Supreme Court by president Bush Jr. who had, in the recent months, replaced 2 pro-abortion judges by two pro-life judges: Chief Justice John Roberts as well as Justice Samuel Alito made the difference. It's reasonable to hope for soon the definitive stop of baby genocide in general as defined by the law Roe v. Wade of 1973, currently in execution in all States of the U.S. - 2300 babies sacrificed per day on the altar of human selfishness! And since the 'modern culture', the Coca-Cola and all the rest goes since decades systematically along the path from America to Europe, the abolition of the baby butchery - 'the abomination' according to a perfect expression of the Council Vatican II - will be achieved hopefully very soon also in Europe and in the remainder of the world! DEO GRATIAS! - (ru; cf. LN Apr.18)

- FRANCE: Paris, Sunday April 15th 2007, Palace of Sports, nominal capacity 4500 people. The rally with Jean-Marie Le Pen had been announced for 3.30 PM, but from 3 PM the hall is already filled with 3000 people. Suddenly tens of buses full of CRS policemen emerge and block the main roads around the Palace, after the announcement of a counterdemonstration. At 3.20 PM the doors of the Palace are closed: too many people! One parks 700 people outside, they have to follow the rally from far. Too bad for the conter-demonstrators - even not 100 of them showed up - who are running quickly away at the sight of the masses arriving to applaud Jean-Marie Le Pen. In fact, the inside of the Palace - one of the biggest halls of Paris - becomes quickly a boiling pot: thousands of French start to sing with all the strength of their voice "Le-Pen-President! Le-Pen-President!...", a kind of cry of hope in the present despair. And Jean-Marie Le Pen hammers his words, standing straight before the crowd: "In the name of all of you, I take solemnly before the French people the following commitments:

- to recover our sovereign powers unduly transferred to the Federal Europe, in order to be able to control our borders and to master our destiny; - to realize 'zero immigration' by the suppression of the family regrouping and the total stop of immigration for jobs;
- to institute the national preference for giving jobs, lodging, and social assistance;
- to reform the right of nationality according to the principle that this one is 'inherited or merited', excluding all procedures of automatic acquisition;
- to realize an absolutely firm judicial power face to the generalized delinquency;
- to re-establish a great family and natality policy, by the institution of a true parental salary, which is the base of all social rights linked to salaried activity (professional formation, health insurance and pension);
- to lower the taxes which weigh on the work (IR and IS taxes) and on the successions, and to refound a fiscal Code which is today plethoric;
- to give to each Frenchman the free choice of his working time, at week level and life level;
- to realize a salarial reform, by which the State takes over the salarial contributions up to 1.5 times the SMIC (minimum pay), in order to increase the net salary and boost by this way the purchase power and the consumption;

- to protect the interior market by the institution of customs which can be moduled, reimbursed and negociated;
- to realize a great project of rescuing the social protection, in order to re-establish the financial equilibria of the care and pension systems;
- to rescue the French agriculture, with the objective to install every year 15,000 young peasants and to maintain the aids of PAC at their present level beyond the year 2013;
- to re-establish the fundamental principles of the school, so that the primary schooling ensures the learning of the fundamental knowledge which is reading, writing and counting, and also those of history and geography, and that the merit become again the central value of our school system;

- to re-establish the examinations and adapt the education and formation systems to the economical needs of the society;
- to give us the means for an excellent fundamental and applied research, in the medical, scientific and technological spheres, by public-private partnerships;
- to re-establish the credit of our national defense at the level of a great world power;
- to institute a volontary military service of six months, with the creation of the right to accede to the Public Function and to have the right on pension and health protection;
- to re-orientate over 5 years the policy of energetical provisioning, in order to face the shortage of fossile energies and to promote the renewable energies;
- to institute the proportional election mode to all elections, in order to permit the representation of the large opinion currents in the country;
- to reform France by referendum, by consulting the people for each one of the big questions which engage its future, because it's the only keeper of the power to chose its destination." (cf.

It's true that, between the 4 main candidates (according to all opinion polls the 8 others won't even reach 2 or 3 % of the ballots, of whom the very Catholic Philippe de Villiers who is yet suffering from a terrifying ancient French illness: the lust of division), only Le Pen represents the hope of France in its profoundness, facing to Sarkozy who dared to declare, on June 24th, 2003, at the time of a visit of Freemasons to his ministry: "In this Ministry of the Interior, the French freemasonry is a little bit like at home"; we just learned that Sarkozy proposed, in the homosexual review TETU of April 2007, "immediate and severe punishments; the disrespect and contempt concerning homosexuality is intolerable; everything what can be done in the schools for explaining that the difference is a richness and not a risk, will be favoured by me"; facing to a man like Bayrou who is overtly praised by the F.M. bosses in the newspapers; and finally facing a Segolene Royale who is the worst candidate: a blood-red abortionist!

The first presidential election ballot will take place on Sunday April 22nd, and the 2nd ballot 2 weeks later, i.e. on May 6th. One thing is already sure, the horrifying Jacques Chirac who introduced abortion in 1975 when he was the Prime Minister of Giscard d'Estaing, who scuttled as president of the Republic the French army, who sold this Christian country France to a federal and atheistic Europe: he will definitively leave the Elysee Palace. For the remainder will be valid what many Christians think today in their hearts: to win the 1st ballot is surely our own task, but the 2nd ballot will be God's affair. It's necessary that something happens, so that France be saved, and with France all of Christian Europe. It's not up to us to give vote recommandations to our major and mature readers and auditors. But please forgive us to quote here a Catholic priest who preached recently, during a pilgrimage in France: "We priests can give you only some essential criteria in order to permit you a Christian choice between the candidates; but in the bad hours which France is living in these times, I would like to recall that, in the worst moment of the Gospel, under the Cross, only two persons were standing upright, full of hope: their names were JEAN (John) and MARIE (Mary)". - (ru)


- - O.A.M.D.G. - -