RU 36+37/2010 - UNEC News No. 40

UNEC Info No. 40 – Sept. 10th, 2010
           Dear members and friends of UNEC :

           Please find hereafter some news, since our last Unec Info of 9 months earlier.

           Halal, Ramadan, Koran, Islam, Kamikaze, Chador, Burka, lapidating, illegal public prayers, minarets, circumcision, gorge killing, polygamy… One can read and hear almost only those matters in the media, incl. in ours. The answers are catastrophic, because none of them has any chance of success: “Throw them out!” (our politicians), „Let’s make money with them, one has to be realistic!” (our economics), “We’re fed up!” (our policemen), „One must learn to listen“ (our teachers), “Tolerance, openness, welcome!” (our religious leaders)…. And thus we are driving directly into the final catastrophe. Each new Muslim in France increases the risk of explosion of the Molotov cocktail under our feet. With the above mentioned solutions we shall arrive, after thousands of murders like always (Lebanon, Iraq, Kosovo, Tchetchenia, Afghanistan...), finally to a „French Islamic Republic“, maybe yet with the blue-white-red banner, but with a red crescent in its centre. UNEC will not satisfy itself with the ridiculous and half-hearted answers of our politicians, economics, teachers and religious leaders, because they are unable to stop the time bomb which is already ticking. A quite different thing is necessary face to this Tsunami. The answer is O.L. Jesus Christ, “Creator of Heaven and Earth, of all visible and invisible things”. The Christians hold in their fragile hands the golden key to solve this problem, the only solution which is capable to bring peace between men: the evangelization of the Moslem in France and Europe. We discussed this issue throughout this summer, by taking contact and visiting those few people who are already courageously and decidedly active in this field, under whom figure: Rev. Fr. Guy Pages (see his Internet site from the diocese of Paris, Br. Jerome from the Pontifical Institute of the Good Pastor, Mrs Veronika Delacroix from the mission of the Moslem in Vienna, our political movement AMEN (which invites the politicians to support the mission of the Moslem), and various other priests and courageous laymen. According to Fr. Maurice Avril (“The 12th Crusade”) the evangelization of the Moslem is an apocalyptical challenge to today’s France to remain the “eldest daughter of the Church”. This decisive task which God entrusted to France, will decide about its survival – or its downfall, together with the Moslem according to their conversion or non-conversion to O.L. Jesus Christ, his Father and his Holy Ghost. But who cares about this mission? Several big catholic traditional or non-traditional organizations with which we took contact concerning this problem, were not interested: they even didn’t like to understand our question. The French bishops don’t like the idea neither, already since 100 years: they admit openly that, per year and on average, only 2 Moslems convert per French diocese to the Church! Thus we turn ourselves to ALL OF YOU with the invitation to get on the move, like at the times of Lepanto (1571) or Vienna (1683), on the occasion of other historical confrontations with Islam : some of you by the rosary prayer, others by actions. The Moslem would have no heart created for intimity with O.L. Jesus Christ? Impossible! Therefore one must say that, if the Moslem don’t get converted, we don’ fulfil – or not enough – our task, or even worse: that we even don’t like to have them in the Church, as this happened already several times when converted Moslems were not welcome in our communities. Please find in the attachment some practical proposals for your possible cooperation. We count firmly upon you!
May those who have ears, listen !

          Our dear Fr. Sten SANDMARK (SSPX), ex-Lutheran Swedish pastor, started now, after his First Solemn Mass on August 15th in the St Nicolas du Chardonnet church in Paris, his apostolate at Bristol in England, a country from which all earlier historical missions of Scandinavia started. We shall keep close contact with him and shall support his mission with our weak means as much as possible. We’ll keep you informed. Very few of you registered for a small monthly instalment for this mission (see attachment). Scandinavia waits urgently for being reunited to the Church.
          Our group COSTA prepares a new colloquium for spring 2011 at Argenteuil : « The Holy Tunic of Argenteuil and the other Relics of Christ”, with lecturers from France and other countries.
          Our team SOS MOTHERS arrived at its 660th baby rescued from abortion by a direct help to its mother in distress, thanks to our numerous donators. May they be heartily thanked, in the name of the babies !
          Our next PILGRIMAGE will be « On the footsteps of St Patrick”, planned for summer 2011. We shall go in a small committee by end of September 2010 to Ireland to prepare this pilgrimage on site.
          Our group COELI, under the direction of Mr. Jacques Burel, continues its crusade for Christ-King, with intense prayers and the mailing of thousands of postcards to the Holy Father, asking him to declare the Turin Shroud as an authentic Relic of Our Lord Jesus-Christ, King of the universe.
          Our weekly press releases RU continue to be distributed by email, Internet (site, fax et letters. They become thus an indispensable link between our activists who have Internet. The others can receive them by letter, but in this case not cost-free (30 E/y=USD 39/y).
          Our RADIO-SILENCE on Internet ( also continues, with some 15 people, all of them voluntaries. The radio organizes almost every month « debate-dinners » with outstanding lecturers. The next one will take place in Paris on October 13th, 2010, at 7.30 PM on the topic « Vienna – always Catholic Bastion”, with slides, by our correspondent in Austria. Information on this dinner:
          Our political movement AMEN (Let’s Stop the Massacre of the Unborn) increases. After the success at the regional elections in the Paris region we’re preparing now, above all, the presidential elections of 2012. You can become member for 25 Euro/year (USD 32/y). AMEN, and also SOLIDARITY-France, are the only parties in France for which the Catholics can vote without remorse, as their programs are 100% catholic and their leaders live personally in conformity with the laws of the Church concerning marriage and abortion. See the site, with the special postal stamp of the Sacred Heart, edited and sold by AMEN (2 E/stamp = USD 2,60).
          Good courage to all of you, and may God bless our poor efforts for His Kingdom.
-    Unec –

ANSWERING FORM (attachment to Unec Info No. 40 of Sept. 10th, 2010)
To be mailed to UNEC, BP 70114, F-95210 St-Gratien, Ph/Fx +33-1 34 12 02 68,

Name, Christian name ......................................................................................................

Address ...............................................................................................................

Phone/Fax .....................................................................................................

e-mail ................................................................................................

(   ) Membership fee to UNEC for 2010, 30 E/y (USD 39/y), with reception of bulletin “UNEC INFO”.
 (   ) If you add 30 E (USD 39,  making it a membership fee of 60 E, or USD 78) you become « supporting member » and  you’ll receive each week, during 12 months, the “Christian news RU” from UNEC, either immediately by email or fax, or grouped by letter. Please indicate your email or fax, if you have.
(    ) I wish to join the initiative of UNEC (and of AMEN) “The Good News to the Moslem” (abbreviation : BNM), particularly by (please hook off):
-    (    ) recitating the rosary once a week for this noble and necessary intention,
-    (    ) participating in the Parisian working team BNM,
-    (    ) distributing cautiously the fliers BNM of evangelisation to the Moslem whom I personally know.
 (   ) I  am interested by the pilgrimage UNEC (unique) to Ireland, in summer 2011, and I ask to send me the complete program with the payment conditions a.s.o. as soon as they will be available.
(   ) I am interested by the new colloquium of COSTA (UNEC) at Argenteuil, near Paris, on « The Saint Tunic of Christ and the other Relics of Christ”, planned for spring 2011, and I would like to be invited in time for atendance.
(   ) I ask for … post cards (printed by COELI-UNEC) at 1.50 E (USD 1.95) per card, to be sent to the Holy Father for asking him to declare the Shroud of Turin a “True Relic of O.L. Jesus Christ, King of the universe.”
(   ) I would like to assist to  the Parisian dinner-debate of Radio-Silence on Oct. 13th, 2010, at 7.30 PM on “Vienna”, dinner 30 E (USD 44) per person, to register right now near Radio-Silence, 5 rue Dufrenoy, F-75016 Paris,
(   ) I would like to be member of the political party AMEN, founded by UNEC in 2008 100% against abortion (25 E/y, or USD 32.50). Registration and special post stamp: AMEN, BP 70114, F-95210 St-Gratien.
 (   ) I wish to « support » our ex-Lutheran friend Fr. Sten Sandmark from Sweden who converted on July 30th, 2006, in Paris and who celebrated his First Solemn Mass on August 15th, 2010 in Paris.  For doing this I even would be ready to install a monthly transfer order with my bank, with a copy mailed to UNEC for information. Label: “Mission SSPX in Sweden”.
(   ) I wish to make a donation to SOS Mothers, essential action of UNEC, for saving, by a direct aid to the mothers in distress, babies from abortion. All donators receive regularly the « Journal de bord » of SOS Mothers (UNEC). Please find attached a special gift of …… E (USD ….).
(   ) Even more, I would like to make monthly bank transfer to SOS Mothers, even small but permanently, and I’ll personnally ask for that with my bank.

Please find attached my check of ……. E (or USD), which is the total sum of the upper crossed paragraphs (except for the payments to be made directly to AMEN or RADIO-SILENCE), labelled to UNEC, BP 70114, F-95210 Saint-Gratien.

                                                                          Date :             Signature :