RU 49/2009 - FRANCE, Info Letter from UNEC

FRANCE (ru, Dec. 9, 2009) : Dear readers of our press releases RU, please find below the letter "UNEC INFO", issue No. 39 of December 7th, 2009, which we have the honour to publish in exclusivity. We wish you a good reading, and happy and saint time of Advent !

"UNEC INFO No. 39, of December 7th, 2009.

Sylvester evening dinner UNEC 2009
UNEC (Union of the Nations of European Christians) celebrates its 20 years. All are invited (members and friends of UNEC, participants to the UNEC pilgrimages, readers of our press releases RU, donors to SOS MOTHERS/UNEC, members and friends of AMEN, friends of RADIO-SILENCE, members of COSTA and COELI…) to a festive dinner on Dec. 31st, 2009, from 9 PM, at the Cafe-restaurant "Le Palais", 16 rue Monge, Paris 5th (in front of the Mutuality and St Nicolas du Chardonnet church). Atmosphere guaranteed. We shall reserve 15 minutes for the “G.A.” 2009 of UNEC: moral and financial reports, renewal of the management board, agenda 2010. Please register now by sending to the secretariat of UNEC 50 Euro/person (75 USD), with your phone number, but attention, only about thirty places are available! A little babysitting centre will be possible in the basement where the mothers who attend the dinner will be able to relay on turn.

UNEC pilgrimage to holy Relics of Christ in May 2010 (COSTA and COELI)
This pilgrimage, in a Bourmaud bus, will be organized from May 17th (at noon) to May 22nd (in the evening) 2010, departure on May 17th at 2 PM in front of St Nicolas du Chardonnet church in Paris 5. Key Stations : Argenteuil (Holy Tunic), Pruem/FRG (Sandal of Christ, present to this ancient Benedictine abbey since Pipin the Short, father of Charlemagne), Trier (Holy Robe), Ruedesheim/Rhineland (St Hildegard), Colmar (holy mass, Alsace fashion evening, museum), Turin (exposition of the Holy Shroud of Christ), Chambery (Saint Chapel where the Shroud burned in 1532). Rev. Fr. Peignot of the FSSPX will accompany us during this saint pilgrimage. Four nights in hotel (Pruem, Ruedesheim, Colmar, Chambery), and one romantic night in Bourmaud rolling hotel bus (the night of the arrival to Turin). All-inclusive price : 550 Euro/pilgrim (825 USD), plus optionally 100 Euro (150 USD) for "single room », for those who wish it. It’s the third time that UNEC organizes this wonderful circuit which is, to our knowledge, the only pilgrimage to the Holy Relics of Christ. Ask quickly for the detailed program (or look up on Unec’s site, because registration started already.
Note also that the "Crusade for Christ-King" of COELI (UNEC) is in full swing, with intense prayers for the arrival of the royalty of O.L. J. C. , and sending of postcards to the Holy Father asking him to declare the Shroud of Turin as an authentic Relic of Christ. The new exposition at Turin is perhaps a first result of our postcards to the pope. You can always ask these postcards and prayers to our secretariat (1.50 Euro – or 2.25 USD - per postcard, for the costs of the crusade).
Furthermore we maintain our plan of the other pilgrimages for the following years, as announced earlier: in 2011 Pilgrimage to Ireland-Iceland, in 2012 Pilgrimage to Catholic Quebec, in 2013 Pilgrimage to Algeria on the traces of our martyrs, in 2014 Pilgrimage to Armenia, first Christian state (since the year 301).

News from Father Sten Sandmark FSSPX
" Our " ex-Lutheran Swedish father Sten will be ordained priest on June 26th, 2010, probably at Zaitzkofen in Bavaria/FRG. He currently serves a year of deaconry at the priory FSSPX of Essen in Westphalia/FRG. We want to organize at the end of June 2010 a mini-pilgrimage to Zaitzkofen, perhaps in 1 or 2 minibuses, in order to surround our friend whom we accompany since three years by our prayers and who will be, from 2010 onward, if God is willing, the front tank of the future mission FSSPX in Lutheran Sweden. Furthermore, we renamed our account "Seminarian Joacim" to "Mission FSSPX in Sweden", since Joacim left the seminar, but remains faithful to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
We are still looking for some more good persons to support financially this account, preferably by a permanent bank transfer of 10, 30 or 50 Euro (15, 45 or 75 USD) per month. Many thanks in advance.

News about the Holy Tunic of Argenteuil
For the afternoon of March 21st or 28th, 2010 (the final date will be announced later on), i.e. on the 1st or 2nd Sunday of the Passion, we are planning our 5th pilgrimage to the Holy Tunic of Argenteuil, with procession through the city centre and Via Crucis in the Basilica which houses the Holy Tunic since the year 800. We shall manifest our faith in this authentic Relic, in spite of a senseless Carbon 14 dating which has been puttered by the municipality of Argenteuil and the bishopric of Pontoise in 2004, in favour of which unfortunately our friends of Present, Chire, and Cielt gave public support by incensement of the C14 method, by publishing an article written by a certain Mr. Saillard, without even publishing our scientific rebuttal of 5 pages written by our COSTA member Ms Claire van Oosterwijck. We believe that our pilgrimage to this humble Relic, the Holy Tunic of Our Lord soaked of his Holy Blood, will all the more be necessary in these times of pervert ideas, singing with full confidence "By Your Holy Blood save us, Our Lord! » And we shall kneel down in front of this witness of the inconceivable extent of Love of Christ towards us poor sinners. We will (spiritually) touch this Holy Garment of Christ, as have done before us thousands of Catholic worshippers, kings and popes, and as thousands of faithful will do it after us.

You are great: almost 900 families between you are financially supporting our rescue action of pregnant women and young girls who are placed before the spectre of abortion. With you we could save, since 1995, 603 babies from abortion, of which 72 are yet to be born, with 38 pregnant mothers currently housed or hosted by our network, a true work of Good Samaritan that takes place in the shadow and the silence. The arrival of the Kingdom of God? "The blind are seeing, the lames are walking, the lepers are being healed, the dead are reviving, the Good News are announced to the poor" (Mt chapter 11). We are living this Gospel all days with SOS MOTHERS. God be praised, because His Kingdom arrives.
An urgent request: we need for a French lady CHRISTINE and his little daughter MAUD, aged 2, either a motorized Camping Car in good condition, or an accommodation possibility during the whole year 2010. From 2011 on, Christine will get along on her own because she will be able to put Maud to a kindergarten and resume her work as a librarian. The HLM (low fare apartments) declare “full” : no place, and even less for French mothers ! She is straying since 33 months with her baby in the streets of Paris. Currently we are lodging her until the end of December 2009 in a small Parisian hotel, because all our places of accommodation are occupied by pregnant mothers. Please help us for the case of Christine, IT’S URGENT !

Here also you are absolutely wonderful, dear members and friends of UNEC, for having followed us on our “crazy” path to form a political party called AMEN (Stop the Massacre of the Unborn Children), and 91 between you even took the party member card. AMEN is the only political party, according to our conviction, for which a Catholic can still vote. We are again presenting ourselves at the upcoming elections in France, the Regional Elections of March 2010. For the list of Paris Region we must name 225(!) candidates. All those of you who are French, major, and live in the Paris area, can stay up and be candidate. We believe that there is no possible serious objection not to be candidate on our list, since Jesus said: "The one who is not ashamed of Me before men, I also shall not be ashamed of him before My Father". AMEN wants to be 100% Christian and accepts no compromises, because the truth does not suffer compromises. Please give us quickly your agreement (cf. the attached shuttle form), for sending you the detailed instructions concerning (a) the candidature form to be filled out, (b) a certificate from your city hall that you are well registered on your local electoral list, (c) 100 Euro (or 150 USD) for participation in our real costs such as posters and ballot papers, if you can. In fact we will figure under our banner ("Amen" or "SOS Mothers » etc. ) on 'THE CHRISTIAN LIST" which will collect several associations of the same 100% Christian type, under which will figure "Solidarity-France". The French can therefore vote, at least in the Paris area, for the CHRISTIAN LIST, 100% pro-life, and 100% against abortion, eugenics and euthanasia. It will be for the first time that we can quietly go to vote, as Catholics, without qualms of conscience. This is YOUR list!
Please also know that AMEN will organize a new press conference on Monday Jan. 4th, 2010, to 11 a.m., at the HOTEL CLAUDE BERNARD, 43 rue des Ecoles, Paris 5th. All of you will be welcome. The decisive apocalyptic fight for the babies, beloved creatures of God, has begun, dear friends.
Finally, on January 17th, 2010, at 2.30 PM, place de la Republique in Paris, we’ll participate with our banners UNEC and AMEN, at the end of the marching crowd, to the March for Life of all the pro-life associations.

Good wishes
And now, dear members, dear friends, dear donors for our actions, may the Good Lord give to all of us, without having any merit, a joyful CHRISTMAS and a HOLY AND HAPPY NEW YEAR OF GRACE 2010! - Do not forget to send us back, as a tender thought of Christmas, the attached "shuttle form”, incl. your courageous candidature for the CHRISTIAN LIST of AMEN, heroic act of resistance against the ambient culture of death, and absolute engagement for the babies and for Life! Signed : UNEC

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SHUTTLE FORM (annex to Unec Info No. 39 of Dec. 7, 2009)
To be returned to UNEC, BP 70114, F-95210 St-Gratien, Ph/F +33-(0)1 34 12 02 68,

Family name and Christian name .....................................................................

Address ...............................................................................................................

Phone/fax ...................................................................................................……..

E-Mail ..............................................................................................……………

( ) Membership contribution to UNEC for 2010, 30 E/year (45 USD), with reception of "UNEC INFO ".

( ) By adding 30 E (therefore total contribution 60 E) one becomes "supporting member" and one receives each week, during 12 months, the Christian News “RU” of UNEC, either immediately by e-mail or fax, or grouped by letter. Indicate your e-mail or fax, if available.

( ) I wish to participate in the festive dinner (and G.A. of UNEC 2009) on Dec. 31st, 2009, at 9 PM at the restaurant "The Palace", 16 rue Monge, Paris 5th, reserving ….. places of 50 E/place (75 USD/place), to celebrate the 20 years of Unec.

( ) I am interested by the UNEC’s unique pilgrimage to the 3 Relics of Christ, from May 17 to 22, 2010, at the price of 550 E (825 USD) per person, and I want to receive the detailed program with terms of payment etc. (see also UNEC’s Website, under the heading Pilgrimages).

( ) I propose myself with joy to be a "pilgrim to the Holy Tunic" once by month, by a private pilgrimage to the Basilica of Argenteuil, and I choose the day: ................................ (e.g. first Monday of the month, or 3rd Sunday of the month), requesting UNEC to send me the "Pilgrim card". Free of cost.

( ) I order .... postcards (printed by COELI-UNEC) to be sent to the Pope, at 1.50 E (2.25 USD) per card.

( ) I would like to join the European party AMEN founded by UNEC, 100% against abortion, 25 E (or 37.50 USD)/y. Foreigners also can apply !

( ) I want to be candidate on "THE CHRISTIAN LIST" of AMEN and Solidarity at the regional elections in the Paris region in March 2010, and I request to send me the documents to formalize my candidature.

( ) Having serious reasons for not to be candidate on "THE CHRISTIAN LIST” in the forthcoming elections, I want at least to participate in the success of this list by sending to UNEC a donation of ....... Euro.

( ) J would like to "support » our ex-Lutheran friend Fr. Sten Sandmark of Sweden who converted on July 30, 2006, in Paris and is currently preparing the Catholic priesthood. To do that I would like to receive the transfer form for monthly bank transfer for the account "Mission FSSPX in Sweden" of UNEC.

( ) I would like to make a donation to SOS MOTHERS, the most important activity of UNEC, to save, by a direct aid to mothers in distress, babies from abortion. All donors receive a regular "fiscal receipt" from SOS MOTHERS (UNEC). Please find here-attached a one time donation of …..… E.

( ) Better yet, I would like to make a monthly bank transfer to SOS MOTHERS, even reduced but permanent, and I would like to receive the bank form especially made for this purpose.

I attach my bank check for ........... E (total of checkmarked fields) to the order of UNEC, BP 70114, F-95210 Saint-Gratien, France.

Date: Signature:

Contact : UNEC, BP 70114, F-95210 St-Gratien, Ph/F +33-(0)134120268, »

End of quotation of the circular letter UNEC INFO of December 7th, 2009.

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