- ENGLAND: The English Socialist government which is, since Tony Blair, one of the most morally corrupted of Europe, has just gone one step further in the programmed perversion of the young people. In the face of an ever growing number of pregnancies of minors - one remembers the recent case of a 13 year old dad called Alfie Patten -, the government has only one sterile and stereotype answer: yet more sex, yet more condoms, yet more contraceptive pills! Where it would be necessary to say: no to sexual relationships before marriage, no to condoms transforming the school girls into sex objects, no to the often abortive contraceptive pills! The SUNDAY TIMES announces that the Government will henceforth recommend a total demoralization, in the worst meaning of the word. A pamphlet “Talking to your Teenager about Sex and Relationships” will be distributed, starting March 5th, to the pharmacies, an initiative of the Children’s Minister, Mrs. Beverley Hughes. In this document one can read: “Trying to convince your children of what’s right and wrong may discourage them from being open”. Already contraception and condoms are free in England for the children, but now it will be necessary to remove, according to those rotten governmental heads, any moral concept around sex so that, from the most tender age, the human pigsty get installed. The British Family Planning Association (FPA) received from the Government 530,000 LST for indoctrinating the parents in this direction. And yet, Dr. Patricia Morgan, an American sociologist living in the United Kingdom, comments: “All the evidence from the United States is that if parents say they disapprove of underage sex, the teenagers are less likely to do it. If parents talk about underage sex and do not disapprove of it, the children go on to do it. It is pretty basic stuff.” Therefore, already from the statistical and sociological point of view, it appears that these new English measures are counter-productive. This proves that this Government is not only perverse, but straightforwardly crackbrained, which is not worse, but not better either. Anyhow, what else can we expect from a socialist minister, atheist, even perhaps anti-catholic like the demagogue Tony Blair? - (Ru; cf LSN Feb. 24.) 

- HUNGARY: Wanting to complete this issue by some positive news, we didn’t find any, this time. However, in order not to discourage our readers, here is a true story which occurred a few years ago in Hungary: “Since more than 30 years Hungary was a communist country. It was controlled by men who do not believe any more in God, doing even everything to extract the faith from the hearts of the others. This caused much fear and anxiety between the faithful. Julichka was one of them. Though still a child, she knew that the Christians belonged to the Lord Jesus and that they had sworn fidelity to Him. Her communist schoolmistress intended to extirpate the faith from the head of all her pupils. Day after day she mocked the faith and the Church. Many children became intimidated and did not go any more to Holy Mass. But not Julichka. Courageously she went regularly to the church. Her example and courage impressed many of the children. One morning the mistress teaches about the history of the Hungarian people. At the end she says: “You see, here we are speaking about History, i.e. what really happened. But there are also stories which are often very beautiful, but which did not take place in reality. These stories are called tales. Who knows such tales?” Several children raised their fingers: they enumerated Snowwhite, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella and still others. The mistress approved each time by nodding her head. Then she made Marichka go behind the door. The children were asked to invite her to enter. The kid returned smiling into the classroom. “In the same way call now Snowwhite to enter!” The class burst out in laughter. They knew that Snowwhite did not exist and couldn’t enter. “OK then”, said the mistress. “I know another tale, that one of Christ Child”. In this moment, the children took fear and, lowering their eyes, they didn’t know what to say. “It’s necessary to finish with that crazy superstition. Julichka, tell us if the story of Christ Child is a tale?” - “My God, help me”, prayed the little girl quickly. “No!” exclaimed courageously Julichka, “The Christ Child is not a tale. The Christ Child really exists!” The mistress pushed a strident laughter. Then she ridiculed Julichka: “OK, then call your Christ Child!” Miraculously all fear left from the heart of Julichka. She was suddenly assured. She knew that the Good Lord would come to assist her. She left the bench and exclaimed loudly: “Christ Child, please come!” Nothing happened. Then Julichka made a sign to the other children, and all together called loudly for Christ Child. Again nothing occurred. In this moment, Julichka invited her comrades: “Leave the benches and kneel down with me and call with high respect Christ Child!” All stood up, knelt down and exclaimed loudly: “Christ Child, come please!” – At this moment occurred the unbelievable. A brightly shining sun planed into the classroom. It was clear and gilded, and yet one could look at it without going blind. And in the middle of the sun appeared Christ Child Jesus. He was upright in a crown of rays and smiled towards the children. They threw their arms towards him and exulted: “Christ Child! Christ Child!” - The mistress, freezed, moved back. Crying and trembling, she left quickly the classroom. The school principal arrived. But meanwhile the miraculous sun with the holy Christ Child had disappeared. However each child could individually tell the miraculous event. Some years later the priest of this village was to leave Hungary. He took refuge to Germany and explained there how the Christ Child had rewarded the fidelity of the courageous little girl called Julichka.” End of the story. - (Ru; according to Rev. Fr. E. Zunhammer, Bavaria, Christmas 2008)

- Positive Meter No 1: 44th day since the lifting of the excommunication of the bishops of (the greatest portion of) the Tradition in the Church by Bendict XVI. 

- Positive Meter No 2: The association S.O.S MOTHERS (UNEC), France, could save up to now 508 babies from abortion, of whom 49 are still to be born. Deo gratias! Donations to `S.O.S MOTHERS (UNEC), BP 70114, F 95210 Saint-Gratien'. Thank you!

- - O.A.M.D.G. - -