RU 03/2009 - EUROPE, a new prolife strategy?

S P E C I A L  I S S U E (2 pages) 

- EUROPE: Here is a very inconvenient - but how much necessary - press release from UNEC (Union of the Nations of European Christians, based in Paris), entitled `A NEW PRO-LIFE STRATEGY ?' :  

“In the U.S., the total failure of pro-life strategy of the last 35 years is presently revealed by the FOCA (Freedom of Choice Act = Law on the liberty of choice authorizing each woman to hose abortion as a ‘fundamental right’) which will most probably be signed by the pro-death president Obama as his very first law: there will be always more abortions, so that the pro-life horizon will be entirely darkened.

In Europe, in particular in France, we practice the same strategy, as we like to imitate and adulate all stupidities coming from America. The result is identical: always more abortions, the same night of death is falling over our old continent. Of course, we don’t have the same political and social constellation as in the States: over there, at the time of the recent presidential elections, people were especially intending to react against the inhuman, egoistic and insane war in Iraq and elsewhere, by driving out Bush and the Republicans. In Europe, on the other hand, in fact other priorities are dominating: the sacro-saint purchasing power of people which is dramatically diminishing, towering unemployment, immigration and other hot subjects which push the defence of life from its due first place. This proves precisely that the latter does not figure within the first priorities of the voting masses. However, the defence of the life is the priority of all priorities, the issue of all issues, the problem of all problems, because it focuses on death, or rather on life being killed.

Why? Because not enough people work really in this ‘mass’ of people. Our `pro-life marches' touch only ourselves, hypnotized by our own navel; our messages to the deputies remain dead letters; our reviews are circulating exclusively in our own homes; our baby layer parcels help only some immigrant families; and our prayers are likely to degenerate into an excuse to do nothing on ‘ground zero’ level, by leaving everything ‘to the hands of God’. God, however, told to us by his saints: “Ora AND LABORA!” Pray AND work!

Yes, to work in the field, especially there where the problems prevail: 1) in the middle of people, and 2) on the political scene. Our answer: S.O.S MOTHERS, and AMEN.

With S.O.S MOTHERS we broke with all the conventional ‘pro-life’ practices: we forgot ourselves, we went out, we listened to the cry of the babies and the women, and we saved - on the side-walks of our cities, in the subway trains, on the public park benches – up to now 495 babies from abortion, with only half a dozen people on the ground, and 900 donators, within 13 years of work (1995 to 2008).

With AMEN we created, in October 2008, a political party, i.e. a tool to relay loudly and strongly in the political arena the quiet but yet piercing cry of the babies cut into pieces, chemically burned, suctioned to death by millions in our country, under the silence of everyone. WE LIVE AT AUSCHWITZ! This cry, one wants to conceal it at the Parliament by telling the Christians that politics is a very bad thing, and that it’s far better to keep out of it. With the result that the pagans have the hands totally free in politics. Unfortunately many bishops and even leaders of pro-life associations in France adopted this strategy, thus cooperating in some distorted way with the pro-death politicians.. With AMEN that will change. We created it against the opinion of all, including against the opinion of many of our brethren in the faith who are totally disillusioned about politics. We are already 33 members: no importance, we’ll fight for the assassinated babies, we will be their voice where one does not want to hear them, especially on the political scene. We do not believe in numbers - adulated by the politicians -, but in the force of Christian Love, and God will give the victory. One result is already ensured, if God grants it to us: we shall die upright, and not lying on the ground.

Very fortunately, we are not alone, another 100% pro-life party, “Solidarity, Liberty, Justice and Peace”, has also been created in France, and even 4 months before AMEN. Our party AMEN aims especially at the Catholics, and Solidarity aims, except error from our side, at all Christians, even all men of good will. On the other hand, the other French parties, recent or old, which have by chance the protection of life somewhere in their program, but not as the primary goal - the MPF and other identity parties -, prove by this fact that they are ready to compromise on the life issue, like it occurs continuously, if only their true objectives, which are elsewhere, advance by a little step. It’s impossible to trust them in the field of LIFE. 

If we work thus completely on the bottom (in the streets) and completely at the top (in the Parliament) of the scale during ten years - or more according to what our Good Lord will decide and grant -, i.e. on the two essential levels where we are currently excelling by absence, the results in Europe will be different from those in America today. If, with the assistance of a thousand small rescue groups in the style of S.O.S MOTHERS (there are currently existing only 7 of them!), the abortions will appreciably start to drop, and if AMEN, at the end of innumerable efforts, will reach a score of 15 or 20 percent of the electorate (especially from the group of the catholic abstentionists estimated at 25% of the French electorate), the pro-life legislation will become impossible to circumvent in France - even in Europe, since new pro-life parties of the same type are mushrooming outside of France, where we are rather late doing that. The presidential and parliamentary candidates will have to hold account of it, while finally accepting in their political program the ABOLITION OF THE CAPITAL PUNISHMENT FORCED ON THE BABIES. At that precise moment, all the hopes will be allowed, but only at the end of 10 or 20 years of hard work on the ground.

One can always comfort oneself by telling loudly and strongly, especially in order to calm one’s own conscience, that all different pro-life efforts are complementary, that each one is working at his small place according to his capacities and his charisma. No! If we accept that, our babies will still continue during decades to be thrown into the scrap containers of our hospitals - if not recycled by the laboratories into beauty cream - without being vigorously helped nor defended. After a long period which was perhaps necessary to wake up, we know now that we are experiencing a true nightmare called `abortion', a kind of new Auschwitz, but much vaster, something like the beginning of the apocalypse where Satan reigns as the King of Death.

Therefore it’s necessary to finish the infantile period of the pro-life merry-go-rounds, dances of joy and unfounded hopes. OK, perhaps we are wrong, as we are not the oracle of Delphi, and yet less the Magisterium of the Church; but this is, before God, our deep conviction. Friends, wee need a coherent very concrete pro-life strategy. Let’s leave the death saloon called ‘pro-life rally’, including easy and futile marketing receipts! Come and join us! LONG LIFE TO THE BABIES - AMEN!” - End of quotation. - (Ru) 

- O.A.M.D.G. - -