RU 52/2007 - NEGATIVE EVENTS 2007

As at the end of each year, let’s draw-up the events of 2007, the negative ones and the positive ones, by running over the pages of our news releases RU from January to December (the brackets indicate the weeks concerned according to our RU releases). To our big surprise, and in spite of some critiques which are made to us here or there, the positive events are much more numerous than the negative ones, so many that we have to split this summary into two parts, by putting aside the positive events for the next week.


- NEGATIVE EVENTS 2007: France authorizes the manufacture of “baby-drugs” (01) - The Royal Council of Obstetrics recommends in England to allow that handicapped children be killed, before and after the birth (01) - The new archbishop of Warsaw, Mgr Wielgus, is forced by the Vatican to resign, on the very day of his inauguration, because of his collaboration with the Secret Police; but in the rest of Europe other episcopal “collaborators” are yet running around without being harmed (02) - Funeral of the very controversial Abbe Pierre at Notre Dame cathedral in Paris, a true communist for certain people, a ray of love for the outlawed for other people (04) - The ecologists push big sighs because of the alleged climate warm-up and the deterioration of nature “due to man”, but remain deaf to the silent cries of abortion made by man (5) - Vandalization of public nativity sets in the USA (6) - The worst news of the year: Portugal decided by referendum, with 59% of the ballots, in favour of abortion, but with an enormous percentage of 56% of abstentions, which fact proves the inexcusable political non-involvement of Portugal’s bishops (7) - Catastrophic revelation in Bavaria: old religious books of dissolved libraries, following the closing of many religious houses, are badly sorted, then sold, and even thrown by whole containers to waste (09) - In Alsace, to compensate for the lack of priests – there are remaining only 480 active priests whose majority exceeds 60 years of age -, the diocese collects its 767 parishes into 180 super-parishes called “communities”, a typical action of “episcopal decline management” (09) - Since Hitler, home schooling is banished in Germany, and this ban is maintained today by incredible interventions of the police in German families, in particular in Bavaria (11) – The U.N. are opposing selective abortion of baby-girls, in particular in India and China, but refuses to fight against abortion in general, a contradiction which is close to schizophrenia (14) - Austria, by the mouth of its Minister for the family, knows only the condom in the fight against AIDS, forgetting the Christian abstinence before marriage, which is the only effective means against AIDS and the other sexual diseases (14) - Spectacular progress of the legislations in favour of homosexuality in Washington, California, New York, Paris … and Brussels in spite of strong resistances in particular by Poland (17) - Homosexual groups threaten to kill bishop Mgr Bagnasco of Genua  in Italy because of his unambiguous position against this vice against nature (18) - The affair of the Motu Proprio revalorizing the ancient Roman liturgy, several times deferred, seems to prove a certain pusillanimity of our pope Benedict XVI facing his modernistic bishops (20) - Islam, by massive mostly clandestine immigration, progresses spectacularly to France: in 1976 there were 150 Moslem rooms of prayer, today there are 2149 mosques and rooms of prayer, but the Christians let things go, worse, they rent their empty churches to them, e.g. the parish church Saint Genoveva at Argenteuil (21 + 31) - Amnesty International stumbles into the camp of the abortionists, the Catholic Church withdraws from her former friends who became criminals (24) - The Gay Pride in Jerusalem - all the prophets of the Old Testament are turning over in their tombs! - gathered 6000 participants (24) - In England charity associations are not subsidized any more by the State as soon as they do not conform to public immorality (24) - At Los Angeles the Catholic Church is sentenced to pay 660 million Dollars to the 500 victims of sexual abuse made by her priests or monks (29) – The french president Sarkozy nominates the Socialist Jacques Attali, pioneer euthanasist, president of a governmental commission (32) - The E.U. wants to bypass the European peoples while making ratify by the only Parliaments a “simplified treaty”, which will consecrate the walk of atheistic Europe towards a world Soviet (35) - On September 11th (!) a demonstration of 200 Belgians “against the Islamization of Europe” is brutally attacked by the police force of Brussels (37) - Sweden is organizing propagation and even control of abortion in Latin America (38) – Terrifying account of a Catholic who is faithful to tradition, after her participation in a modern “Catholic” mass, at the very moment of the publication of the Motu Proprio of Benedict XVI revalorizing the ancient liturgy (39) – The catholic journalist Serge de Beketch, headlight of Christian France on the waves of Radio-Courtoisie, died (40) – The entire Europe is transforming itself into a new Auschwitz camp: in Germany systematic assassination of IVF foetuses as soon as they prove to be trisomic; in Italy assassination of a healthy embryo instead of the sick one, in the case of a pregnancy of twins; Denmark is proud of the increasing disappearance of handicapped Danish babies, as a consequence of their elimination before birth; in the US the contraceptive pills contribute to pollute the rivers so much that the male/female balance of trouts is radically transformed: 82% of females, 10% of males, and 8% of a new male/female hybrid, without speaking about the American women themselves who are becoming hormone cows… (41) - The Catholic Institute of Paris is islamizing itself: from January 2008 onward they will give academic courses to become Imam, with the agreement of the archbishop of Paris, Mgr Vingt-trois (42) - In California the governor  Schwarzenegger makes learn to the children as of the nursery school (!) the “transsexual, bisexual and homosexual lifestyles” (42) - In Chad, with the affair of the Arch of Zoe, the whole world falls over 6 unfortunate Frenchmen who wanted to move 103 children away from war and famine, but the same media are keeping silent about the criminal policies of the United Nations and the E.U. which aim at emptying entire Africa of its babies by abortion, condoms, and pills… (44)


That’s it for the negative events 2007, immense matter for prayer, while waiting for the list of positive events 2007, fortunately longer, in our first issue of the New Year (RU 01/2008).


PS: If you wish to have access to these 52 issues of our RU news releases for the year 2007, you can either consult them (in English) on our site UNEC under the heading “RU”, or order them (in English) in paper edition  for USD 7.50 with our secretariat UNEC, BP 70114, F-95210 Saint-Gratien, T/F 01 34 12 02 68,


Our “RU” team wishes you a